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Helping Your Child Series…And More

Very Important Note: This "Parents' Corner" page, in large part, is a reformatted, expanded, animated, and more dynamic replica of the USA Department of Education's page titled Helping Your Child Series—plus expanded coverage of the topic. The focus of this "Parents' Corner" page is on structured learning as a driver of success in school—and a driver of success in life.

"The Helping Your Child publication series aims to provide parents with the tools and information necessary to help their children succeed in school and life. These booklets feature practical lessons and activities to help their school aged and preschool children master reading, understand the value of homework and develop the skills and values necessary to achieve and grow."

This page goes a step beyond the Helping Your Child publication series. It also emphasizes other important topics essential to positive, constructive childhood development such as good nutrition, routine physical activities, and avoidance of negative pursuits such as substance abuse, school bullying, and school violence.

01: Preschool

1. Helping Your Preschool Child

"How well children will learn and develop and how well they will do in school depends on a number of things, including their health and physical well-being, social and emotional preparation, and language skills and general knowledge of the world. This booklet highlights techniques parents can use to encourage their children to develop the skills necessary for success in school and life by focusing on activities that make learning fun. "

Helping Your Preschool Child

02: Learning to Read

2. Helping Your Child Become a Reader

"Other than helping your children to grow up healthy and happy, the most important thing that you can do for them is to help them develop their reading skills. This booklet offers pointers on how to build the language skills of young children, and includes a list of typical language accomplishments for different age groups, suggestions for books, and resources for children with reading problems or learning disabilities."

Helping Your Child Become a Reader

03: Succeeding in School

3. Helping Your Child Succeed in School

"Every child has the power to succeed in school and in life and every parent, family member and caregiver can help. This booklet provides parents with information, tools and activities they can use in the home to help their child develop the skills critical to academic success."

Helping Your Child Succeed in School

04: Completing Homework Assignments

4. Helping Your Child with Homework

"Homework can help children to develop positive study skills and habits, improve their thinking and memory abilities, and encourage them to use time well, learn independently, and take responsibility for their work. This booklet helps parents of elementary and junior high school students understand why homework is important and makes suggestions for helping children complete assignments successfully."

Helping Your Child with Homework

05: Learning Mathematics

5. Helping Your Child Learn Mathematics

"Our increasingly technological world demands strong skills in mathematics, not only in the workforce but also in everyday life, and these demands will only increase over the lifetimes of our children. The major portion of this booklet is made up of fun activities that parents can use with children from preschool age through grade 5 to strengthen their math skills and build strong positive attitudes toward math."

Helping Your Child Learn Mathematics

06: Learning Science

6. Helping Your Child Learn Science

"Every day is filled with opportunities to learn science—without expensive chemistry sets or books. Parents don't need degrees in chemistry or physics to help their children learn science. All that is needed is a willingness to observe and learn with them, and, above all, to make an effort and take the time to nurture their natural curiosity. This booklet provides parents of children ages 3 through 10 with information, tools and activities they can use in the home and community to help their child develop an interest in the sciences and learn about the world around them."

Helping Your Child Learn Science

07: Learning History

7. Helping Your Child Learn History

"The booklet is designed to help families prepare their children to achieve the lifelong task of finding their place in history by helping them learn what shaped the world into which they were born. Employing the latest research, the booklet is largely comprised of activities that can be experienced at home or in the community for children in preschool through grade 5, yet also features information about the basics of history; practical suggestions for how to work with teachers and schools to help children succeed in school; and a list of federal sources, helpful Web sites and suggested books for parents and children."

Helping Your Child Learn History | Modern History

08: Learning Geography

8. Helping Your Child Learn Geography

"The booklet offers many simple, fun activities to teach youngsters the fundamentals of geography—from creating treasure maps to helping children find pen pals."

Helping Your Child Learn Geography

NOIRLab astronomer Siyi Xu admires students' solar system drawings during Journey Through the Universe in 2020.

09: Learning Economics and Personal Finance

9. Economics Framework

"Economic literacy is essential for individuals to function effectively in their own personal lives, as participants in an increasingly connected world economy, and as citizens. It is difficult to function as a productive member of society without some knowledge of economic concepts and ideas and an ability to apply basic economic analysis to solve everyday problems."

Economics Framework

10: Pursuing the Arts

10. Arts Framework

"The arts are an important part of the national vision for what every student should know and be able to do. Just as students draw from subjects like mathematics, science, and history to understand the world around them, they use the arts — which offer a unique combination of intellectual, emotional, imaginative, and physical experiences. From the arts, students discover how to use different senses, make decisions, learn from their mistakes, and work well with others — skills they need to succeed in school and in life. In these ways and more, the arts are essential to every child’s complete development."

Arts Framework

11: Pursuing Sports

11. National Youth Sports Strategy

"Youth who are physically active are healthier, have less body fat, and exhibit improved cognition and mental performance. There can be additional benefits gained when playing sports and the opportunity to develop physical literacy and important life skills."

National Youth Sports Strategy

12: Digital Learning

12. Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide

"This guide aims to help all parents and caregivers, including those who have limited experience with digital tools, those who are expert with these tools, and anywhere in between. Each section starts with foundational pieces and builds from there."

Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide

13: Surviving Those Sometimes Challenging and Sometimes Tumultuous Adolescence Years

13. Helping Your Child through Early Adolescence

"Learning as much as you can about the world of early adolescents is an important step towards helping your child through the fascinating, confusing and wonderful years from ages 10 through 14. Based on the latest research in adolescent development and learning, this booklet addresses questions, provides suggestions and tackles issues that parents of young teens generally find most challenging."

Helping Your Child through Early Adolescence

Watch (Elevations RTC - Student Testimonials)

14: Becoming a Responsible Citizen

14. Helping Your Child Become a Responsible Citizen

"Just as children must be taught to read and write, solve math problems, and understand science concepts and events in history, so must they be guided in developing the qualities of character that are valued by their families and by the communities in which they live. This booklet provides information about the values and skills that make up character and good citizenship and what you can do to help your child develop strong character. It suggests activities that you and your school-aged children can do to put those values to work in your daily lives and tips for working with teachers and schools to ensure that you act together to promote the basic values that you want your child to learn and use."

Helping Your Child Become a Responsible Citizen

15: Enhancing Children's Physical Activity & Nutrition

15. We Can! (Ways to Enhance Children's Activity & Nutrition)

"We Can! offers parents and families tips and activities to encourage healthy eating, increase physical activity and reduce sedentary or screen time. It also offers community groups and health professionals resources to implement programs and activities for parents and youth nationwide."

We Can! (Ways to Enhance Children's Activity & Nutrition)

16: Refraining from Substance Abuse and Addiction

16. Growing Up Drug Free

"The guidebook sets forth actions that parents may take to teach standards of right and wrong, to set and enforce rules for behavior, and to really listen to their children. Guidelines include: (1) Communicate values openly and make sure that children understand family values; (2) Recognize that parents' actions affect the development of their children; (3) Be aware of conflicts between words and actions; (4) Be specific, consistent and reasonable; (5) Be a good listener; (6) Give lots of praise; (7) Model good behavior; (8) Counteract peer influence with parent influence; (9) Get to know your children's friends and their parents; and (10) Monitor your children's whereabouts. The booklet contains facts about alcohol, drugs and tobacco; quizzes for parents; suggested activities for different children's age groups; descriptions of drug paraphernalia; parent-community activities and parent support groups; and where to get information and help."

Growing Up Drug Free

Watch (Why Are Drugs So Hard To Quit)

17: Refraining from Engaging in Acts of Teasing, Bullying, Hatred, and Violence

17. A Resource Guide on School Safety

"The North Carolina Center for Safer Schools [NC CFSS] serves to promote safe learning environments for North Carolina K-12 schools. The Center serves as a hub of information and technical assistance on school safety to school faculty and staff, law enforcement, youth-serving community agencies, juvenile justice officials, policymakers, parents/guardians and students."

A Resource Guide on School Safety | Girl

A Resource Guide on School Safety | Boy

A Resource Guide on School Safety | Students Fighting

18: Responsibilities of Parenthood in the Learning Milieu

18. Parent Power

"Studies of successful schools report that parent involvement is a major factor in their outcomes, including closing the achievement gap between various groups of students. By adopting the principles in this booklet and taking the steps indicated for each age group, you will be able to help your child learn at each step of the way and ensure success in school and in life."

multiple intelligences

Learning Styles

Edgar Dale's cone of learning

Personalized Learning Plans

Learning: Fitting the Pieces Together

Theories of Learning

 Attendance Works

Theory of Contribution Model